Steven Phung

Software Designer

Steven Phung

Software Designer

Steven Phung

Software Designer

I love solving complex problems by crafting intuitive and delightful design.

Sunday, Sep 8

10:09:37 PM

I love solving complex problems by crafting intuitive and delightful design.

Sunday, Sep 8

10:09:37 PM

I love solving complex problems by crafting intuitive and delightful design.

Sunday, Sep 8

10:09:37 PM


Optus — Empowered meaningful connection with AI (Coming soon)


Optus — Empowered meaningful connection with AI (Coming soon)


Optus — Empowered meaningful connection with AI (Coming soon)


Optus — Empowered meaningful connection with AI (Coming soon)

© 2024 Steven Phung. All Rights Reserved.

Made with love in Sydney, Australia.

© 2024 Steven Phung. All Rights Reserved.

Made with love in Sydney, Australia.

© 2024 Steven Phung. All Rights Reserved.

Made with love and long black(10% sugar, lot of ice).

© 2024 Steven Phung. All Rights Reserved.

Made with love and long black(10% sugar, lot of ice).